3rd Sun3 Zoo Party

picture 001 (66 kByte) picture 002 (71 kByte) picture 003 (77 kByte)
The dining room, the gifts from Michael and the beverages.

picture 004 (77 kByte) picture 005 (75 kByte)
Visitors visit Smartkom.

picture 006 (92 kByte) picture 008 (74 kByte) picture 007 (18 kByte)
Swearing at XMosaic and the Zoo by night.

picture 009 (71 kByte) picture 010 (94 kByte) picture 011 (84 kByte)
Alex poses victory and Bernd who brought me a Sun 3/110. Unfortunately the power supply is defective, but the mainboard works fine in my 3/110 case.

picture 012 (55 kByte) picture 013 (68 kByte) picture 014 (71 kByte) picture 015 (72 kByte)
Meeting on the floor, in the Zoo and in the dining room with the meal.

picture 016 (70 kByte) picture 017 (120 kByte)
Two glimpses at the gifts.

picture 018 (112 kByte) picture 019 (95 kByte) picture 020 (90 kByte)
The TAAC!!!!

picture 021 (60 kByte) picture 022 (64 kByte)
Klaus and Nico satisfied and supported with their favourite beverages.

picture 023 (53 kByte) picture 024 (112 kByte) picture 025 (128 kByte)
The Sun3/260 named Namen "John" after repair.

picture 026 (62 kByte) picture 027 (79 kByte) picture 028 (96 kByte)
My son "helps" me cleaning up.

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